Banyka Deborah Dipell
(Interviews with celebrities)
-8 11th 2013 in Los Angeles, we did an interview with one the most beautiful women of the world with Miss Dipell.
We asked her whether she will give us some information about herself and about her work, and she gladly replied with a big smile " so not a problem of course I will ".
At that point, when we began to discuss our conversation with her, then came her little daughter, and we were wondering whether we could with her could also throw a few words.
Miss Dipell with a smile replied "well, it must ask her and not me, guys" And so it happened.
A little girl replied that "there is no problem to answer your questions."
So ladies and gentlemen, check out our short interview with Miss Dipell and with her little princess Nina Vanessa .

- Banyka, are you a model or actress?
- Well, I'm both. I am a model, and actress also at the same time. But until now I have preferred my modeling career as to be an actress.
- Being an actress is bad? What's your opinion ?
- But no, definitely not. Being an actress is really good.
- Do you have any bad experience of acting?
- No, I don't have any bad experience of acting, rather the opposite.
- Being a model was your childhood dream?
- Well, I think so. I wanted to be big and famous model, but I also wanted to be an actress. But I said to myself, first I have to work hard and then we will see. Because as they say, out of work are not pie. (Smile)
- We have heard that you have started playing in a Polish series "Miłość to Bogata" as Monika, why did you start to play there under the name Monika and not under your own name as Banyka?
- Yes, you heard it very well. I started playing in the series' Miłość to Bogata "as Monika, because my acting name is" Monika Pietrasińska "and not Banyka Deborah Dipell. A lot of people know me better under this name as Monika and not as Banyka, because my real name I tend never to use as often, as my actor's name. That is why it is so, that even in this series, I started to play as Monika and not as Banyka.
- Why did you decide to play at this series? As is known, a lot of movies and also so many American or European series, you just did rejected, why was that?
- Yes, it's true that a lot of movies and also so many series I just did refused, but it was not because I didn't want to play there, but because I was really busy with modeling and projects which related to modeling.In this Polish series , I decided to play because, as is known, Poland is my second home country, so it attracted me as well it was about time that I made a change in my life and career. And besides, in this series, "Miłość to Bogata" plays a lot of my friends, that is all the more easier, even though we are filming .
- Is Monika or Banyka in real life proud of yourself how it plays Monika in series "Miłość to Bogata"?
- (Smile).. Am I proud of myself? Thus, in certain moments of the yes. I mean, I'm proud of what I did in my life, I'm obviously proud of his career and also to the colleagues, parents, friends who have supported me in everything, but otherwise I'm not at all proud. (laughs)
- Have you heard that they started filming the movie Pirates of the Caribbean series 5 with Johnny Depp?
- Oh, but of course I heard about it. But why does this matter?
- The question was precisely, because of how you respond. They say you'll there too, you'll to play a major role with Johnny Depp is true, will you play in the sequel Pirate of the Caribbean 5? And what is the name of the new series continued in Pirates of the Caribbean 5?
- (Smile) I see, so you didn't miss anything of the famous backstage. Well, it's true that I got to play there as the main actress alongside Johnny Depp, however it is not yet certain. It's still far away, and yet is still pending. Because the offer to play in the new series I've got before they finished the series 4 Pirates of the Caribbean. And of course I can tell, the new name 5 Pirates of the Caribbean series will be called "Dead Men Tell No Tales".
- Can you tell us also, who is in that movie, directors and writers? And when the movie will be completed?
- The film should be completed in 2016. And there are gentlemen directors Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg. And writers are: Stuart Beattie, Ted Elliott, Jeff Nathanson, Terry Rossio, Jay Wolpert. But I hope I haven't forgotten any of them mention (laughs).
- When you were little so you played in a horror movie "Dawn of the Vampire", what was you there to play?
- I played the little princess of vampires.
- How do you played there? Did you play there as a princess of vampires, good or bad?
- Oh, that how was me played there? Perfectly, because I tortured everyone there (laughs). And of course, I loved it, I think that movie. And you asked about that kind of princess I played there, well, if I tortured anyone, so what role I played there in your opinion?
- What would you say if you were given an offer to play in an American movie with American actors (for example: Silvester Stallone, Brad Pitt, Jason Statham, Peter Facinelli, Paul Walker, Hugh Jackman, Luke Perry etc. ..)?
- Excuse me, please, but how do you think now, play with them every what you said me for example, or only some of them? (Laughter)
- We thought, you should get some offers from some of them to play them in a movie, what would you say that?
- Oh, well, I guess I would have to first thinking and then act.
- If you should play with them romantic shots in the movie (sex), and similarly, should you a problem with that? Because many of the actresses are concerned, and they don't want it.
- Well, I think with the fact I had no problems.
- Would you have with them, filming the details of sex? (Details of your body etc.)
- (Smile) I will repeat, on my part it would be no problem, because firstly I'm not shy, and besides, it would be certainly an adventure. So yes!
- If you could choose from two nominated American actors, filming the romantic movie and the sex acts, so which of them would be the two lucky men?
- Could you please repeat the question? (Laughter)
- (Repeated once more) xxx
- So it is a question for one million! (Smile). Omg, now I don't know. But if I choose, so I will but with my closed eyes, because I really don't know whom I should choose. (She's thinking) I think I would chose Hugh Jackman and Peter Facinelli. Okay, I know you now want the reason that why that? Because I think that with them I would knew best play some romantic movie. But also do not ask me again that why, because I don't know. (Laughter)
- What do you think about Hugh Jackman? Was it true that you had a brief affair (relationship) before?
- Hugh is a really great guy, a great humorist and very, very good daddy. I think about him, nothing only just a positive things. I cannot say anything bad about him. And no, we were and still we are very good friends together and really nothing more, even though people talked about that we were in a relationship, so it was not so.
- How long time you two know each other?
- Not long, but long time (laughs)
- He is sympathetic to you?
- Of course it does.
- Would you like to be his wife or girlfriend?
- OMG! I think his girlfriend yes, but not his wife. (Big laugh)
- What is on him for you the most sexiest?
- On Hugh? Smile and his eyes.
- Okay, so tell us about your second selected actor Peter Facinelli, what do you think of him?
- Well, about Peter I will not know anything concrete to say unfortunately because I don't know him personally, I just heard about him much good things. Although I don't know him personally, I think I can say about him that he's really a great actor, man and dad to his three princesses. He has a really good movies. And surely, he's in reality a much friendlier and nicer than through tv shows.
- You say that you don't know Peter Facinelli in person, so how is it that you express to him, so much?
- Yes, it is true what I said about him that I don't know him personally. And that's what I said about him it must be true. Because it can you see too. Just look at him through the TV. (Smile)
- Would you want meet him in person?
- Certainly, yes, why not? I think it was a great experience to meet with him personally.
- What would you do first if you would to accidentally met with him?
- That what would I do? I would jumped on him (laughs)
- Are you serious, Miss Dipell?
- Certainly, yes! I do what I say.
- But he is happily taken to the beautiful actress Jaimie Alexander, then what would you have done if they were from that speeches?
- Speeches? What that speeches do you think? Look, I think that everything can be explained and moreover, for that, I would jump on him doesn't mean anything in particular, fun must be everywhere and always. Rumors also get used to the fleas. And for it, I don't need to jump on anyone.(Laughter)
- Would you like a kiss from him?
- (Laughter) Here's a better question, would he have liked to kiss me? (Laughter)
- And so what if he wants your kisses, would you also give him?
- Well, I guess in the dark yes, so that no one sees us. (Laughter)
- Would you like to be his wife or girlfriend?
- OMG! This is the same question as you're handing with Hugh. Well, I don't know, I think to be his girlfriend, yes, and also be his wife? Uff .. run out of words we'll continuation in the future. Thank you for understanding guys.
- (Laughter in the audience). Here, you hesitated for more than Hugh, why? Peter seems like a better man than Hugh, or maybe he looks better for you, than Hugh Jackman? Or would you have imagined your life at his side as his bride and new wife?
- Oh! I think my phone is ringing and calling my mom. Could we have your questions relating to Mr. Facineli put off to the side, right now? (Laughter)
- (Laughter in the audience)
- Banyka, what would happen if during this filming, think now of sexual acts and romantic scenes that would be a pleasure to the opposite sex to be with you there, or maybe for you. Would you like to try it in reality with him and not only in filming?
- Excuse me, but now I didn't understand. Now about whom we speak? Me and who else?
- We are talking about Mr. Facinelli or Mr Jackman.
- Oh, okay! Well, firstly, both are already a taken men. And I don't like smashing no relationship or a marriage.
- And what would you say if they would have decided to leave their wives and girlfriends for you, how would you have reacted?
- OMG! No, we don't let go to extremes, please.
- Is Peter Facinelli for you an attractive man?
- Of course it does.
- They say that you were a big rebel, is this true?
- And who said that now I am not a big rebel? (Smile)
- Have you to get used to doing things by yourself?
- Yes, I'm used to doing things by myself, and so far I am always succeeded.
- You're an only child, how does it feel to be only one for your parents?
- It's a really good feeling.
- Would You like to have a sister or brother?
- Well, I don't know what I would have to answer, I'm already used to it that I'm an only child. Now it would be strange if I suddenly had a sibling, but of course, if would be so, I would have got used to sibling. I would be officialy glad. (Smile)
- Now was Halloween, what do you think about this holiday?
- Halloween: a magical and mysterious holiday all full of surprises in which, amongst treats and tricks, fear and horror turn into joy and play.
- Could you explain how you do that, that you're still happy?
- If you're alive, you have reason to be happy. If things are really bad, they can only get better. Everyone has a purpose on this planet and you can find yours. Somebody out there needs you and is thankful that they know you.
- Do you love to be the center of attention?
- (Laughter). I'm the center of attention even if I don't want to be.
- Would you like to have another child?
- Certainly, yes, I would like to have another child, but it would have to be the little boy, because I already have a daughter, and I would like one more boy. But of course, if it would be again a little girl, I would not mind, just let it be a healthy baby.
- And what would say to, little princess Nina that she would had a sibling?
- Well, you have to ask her. She will answer (Smile)
- Hello, Princess Nina, what would you say if you wouldn't be, only one child for your mom and dad, but you should already too sibling like other children?
- Hi, I think it would be good, I would be glad if I had any siblings.
- Princess, would you like a little boy sibling, or would you prefer a girl like sibling?
- I don't care, I think it isn't important that if it is a boy or a girl, the main thing is that we will be happy together.
- And why do people call you Princess Nina?
- They call me princess Ninz and not Nina. (Laughter) Because they see me as a little princess.
- And who else is calling you so that Princess Ninz?
- More people, but my daddy calling me as well.
- And then how calling you, your mom?
- My mommy? Oh, God, rather it will be better if you will not even know. (Laughter)
- It's too bad as calling you, your mom Princess Ninz?
- No, quite the contrary, but I cannot tell you, because it would be too sweet for you, and you'd have to be jealous of me, how calling me my moma. (Laughter)
- Princess, could you say how old are you?
- Yes, no problem, I have now 4 and a half years.
- Aren't you shy of people?
- No, it is not in my habit.
- How is this possible? Many kids your age would be stuck Mom's skirt, and why not you Princess?
- I don't know, it's not my habit to be shy or afraid of people. I like people and I like getting to know new people as well. And besides, my mom now has no skirt. (Laughter)
- Princess how do you know which are bad and which are good people? Because we know how many bad people among us. And you said that you are like meeting new people and that you like them.
- Yeah, I said it. Meeting new people is an honor to me. And how I know to recognize their? Look them in the eyes, or when they touch hands you can feel it too. (Smile)
- Are you used to it giving out interviews as well as your mom or dad?
- Yes I used to do such things.
- Are you accustomed to communicating with people and through social networks such as Twitter or Facebook?
- Yes, I used to communicate with people, but only through my mom, because I still cannot read and write. (Smile)
- How do you like in Los Angeles? Are you here satisfied with people?
- Los Angeles is a really nice city. I like here. And how satisfied I am with people? Are you kidding me? Well, if you want to know, so here are strange people. (Laughter)
- And why do you think there are strange people?
- Because, I haven't even seen one of you, of taste to smile, you're like zombies at the end of the world. Each of you is bored or you're serious. In LA you probably don't know what's the joke or laugh.
- Banyka, your daughter is always such an eloquent?
- (Smile). Yes she is always such an eloquent since childhood.
- Princess Ninz, I must tell you that you're on your age a bit too smart and very clever, what do you think of your intelligence?
- Thank you very much for your words it means a lot. And what do I think about my intelligence? Well, it's good. A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.
- What is the greatest pleasure in life? Could you explain to us, Princess?
- (She's thinking) Yeah, I can. The greatest pleasure in life is doing the things people say you couldn't do or had doubts about you doing, never give up on yourself. Let them know how strong you are by getting ahead of them. (Smile)
- What do you think when a person is happy and proud at the same time?
- (She's thinking). Don't be proud when happy and don't get disheartened when sad, remember that all our moods are temporary joy, pain, love, hate and this will all pass.
- How is possible that you know answer to all our questions for you?
- (Laughter) All questions can be answered if we want to.
- Will you come again to our interview and will you answer our questions to you?
- Definitely, yes, I would be honored. (She's thinking) And do you want to tell me it is the end?
- (Great laughter in the audience). Yes Princess unfortunately time is up, and it will end, but thank you very much for your nice conversation with us and we also thank you for talking with your mom, it was our honor to know a beautiful Princess and daughter of Miss Dipell.